Whistleblow While You Work

Praise the Lord! Trump Impeachment Underway! FINALLY!

Team Griffin I can’t write this blog fast enough because the Orange Avenger keeps dropping a dime on himself every 15 minutes.

If you blink you might miss it.

The Democrats are moving fast and they believe the “future of democracy” is at stake. First shots were fired and well deserved on Tuesday. Nancy Pelosi blew the whistle on Trumps correspondence with Ukraine. Finally Nancy is on the right side of history, slow but on time. Pelosi states via CNN:

“This week, the President has admitted to asking the President of Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically. The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the President’s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections,”

Trump put Biden on the chopping block when speaking with Ukraine leadership before a simple google search that would have told him Biden was simply delivering the same message to Ukraine that the rest of the world representatives were simultaneously delivering. This is just one of potentially several traitor ass moves his Orange ass tried to position himself for re-election and further disrespect the American people he is suppose to serve. PLUS he withheld millions PRE allotted to Ukraine to strong arm their newly elected President! “He’s taken it to another level of betrayal therefore we’re moving forward with another level of inquiry,” Pelosi said.

CNN also reports one of the freshman Democrats, Rep. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, stressed on “New Day” Tuesday that “none of us ran on impeaching the President.” But she argued that the allegation that Trump might have tried leveraging foreign military aid to advance his reelection efforts was “just a line that I think was too much for all of us.”

Now the transcript of this call has been released and it don’t look good for Trump, but it looks amazing for all of us that want him gone! This mutha f*cka repeatedly pushed for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate a potential 2020 political rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter, during the July 25 phone call. On the call, Zelensky agreed to the President’s request because the safety of his people was at risk.

Now the latest is Trump finally talking to the press and essentially back peddling on everything while admitting everything at the same damn time, but we got receipts now so he can say what the f*ck he wants. It’s a matter of time before he is out.

And where the democrats and republicans may have been divisive before, everyone is in agreement he has betrayed his country thoughtlessly and selfishly and they have officially launched the inquiry for impeachment, with witnesses already coming forward and I’m sure more to follow.

I been saying f*ck Agent Orange. That’s not my president and I’m glad reality will soon match my sentiment.


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