Fahrenheit 119

Fahrenheit 11/9 Premiers September 21

Oscar winner Michael Moore’s new documentary Fahrenheit 11/9 is getting great reviews. It is a provocative and comedic look at the times in which we live. It will explore the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How the f**k did we get here, and how the f**k do we get out? It’s the film to see before it’s too late.

Moore predicted Trump would win the presidency back when people thought Hilary was a shoo-in. He always calls out the bullshit on ALL party lines, and gives practical advice on how to rise up and take down these dirty ass politicians.

Watch the film in a theater near you. Register to Vote (here). Check your voter registration status (here). Get your Absentee Ballot (here). Find your polling place (here). And VOTE on November 6th.

Get it in Team Griffin.


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