Eddie Griffin Feeding The Frontline

Feeding The Frontline Healthcare Workers During the Pandemic

Last week my brother from another mother Darin Feinstein, myself and former NBA Pro Marcus Banks packed and delivered 200 meals to frontline healthcare workers at MountainView Hospital in Las Vegas, NV.  

El Dorado Cantina Tivoli Village donated the meals to the staff (not just the medical personnel) to show appreciation for all the hard work they do. 

The initiative, called “Feeding the Frontline” will continue in the coming weeks with other hospitals in the Las Vegas area.

COVID 19 is no joke. Feeding our frontline healthcare workers (who are seeing the worst and harshest side of this pandemic) will help keep their strength and their spirits up.

Stay safe Team Griffin. We appreciate ALL our essential workers who are helping keep the country going.


P.S. We all tested negative for the virus and wore protective masks when we packed and delivered the food.

Eddie Griffin

Helping Each Other Get Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

Well, well, well.  Looks like something finally happened to put the brakes on the lying, blustering Agent Orange in the Whitehouse: A worldwide PANDEMIC called the Coronavirus.  

First, we were told it was a “Democratic hoax.”  Then we were told that it would “magically disappear” on its own. With over 180,000 cases reported around the world, and more than 7000 dead, this is one thing that mutha fucka can’t gaslight us about.

Here’s the bottom line:  if we all don’t hunker down and socially isolate from each other for a period of time, the shit is REALLY going to hit the fan.

Now is the time to take this pandemic seriously and protect ourselves, our families and our communities: calmly, soberly and intelligently.

The main tactic scientists say to use at this stage of the game is called “social distancing.” In layman’s terms that means try to stay 6 feet away from others (the virus spreads through respiratory droplets in the air from breathing, coughing, or sneezing).  Most governments are enacting executive orders that limit large groups of people from gathering in public places (concerts, athletic and sporting events, restaurants, parties, schools, even some workspaces) in order to slow the spread of transmission.  

Keeping kids home from school and employment layoffs have also begun, and are hitting our community very hard.  Many of our brothers and sisters were barely making ends meet before Coronavirus.  God damn, if the virus don’t get you the financial stress just might!  

All jokes aside, here’s what’s true: black people are STRONG! We will get through this crisis if we look out for each other and if we work together.  We have to keep physically and mentally strong right now.


  • The symptoms of Covid-19 (the disease the Coronavirus causes) include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. There’s a lot of false news about how to cure or prevent the virus, but the truth is there is no cure or vaccine right now.  Try to get your news from the CDC.gov website. And If you get sick or experience symptoms, then click this link here to find out how to get medical help: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
  • Check a reputable news source daily to find out the latest news, but don’t spend all day watching doom and gloom reporting.  It only adds to anxiety and stress levels which will make everything seem worse.
  • Many states (though not all) are passing executive orders forbidding landlords from evicting tenants for failure to pay rent due to economic hardship caused by COVID-19. If you’ve been laid off and can’t pay your rent, research if your city has enforced such an order. Knowing that you can keep a roof over your head will definitely help ease some anxiety during this hard time.
  • Most school districts are closing campuses for the foreseeable future which provides hardship for families that need childcare and the meals that students normally receive in school.  Many schools are providing free lunch drop-off locations for families who depend on those meals.  So check with your child’s school to see if they have made such provisions for you.
  • The Federal government is considering giving cash payments directly to American citizens sometime over the next two weeks (it’s not certain though).  Lots of figures are being tossed about like $1,000 for every citizen in need. I hope they decide to stop talking about it and just do it since we all know how quickly they will act to bail out the airline and cruise ship industries.
  • The Federal government is considering delaying the income tax payment deadline which is currently April 15 (you still have to file your taxes on time though). Nothing has been announced yet, but check your reliable news source to see if any tax relief is coming.
  • The NY Times reported on March 17th that many credit card companies are now agreeing to pause credit card payments and car loan payments for consumers affected by COVID-19  (including pausing interest fees). Help is not automatic though, so if you need relief be sure to call the company and ask them if they can pause your payment, the interest accrual, and not ding your credit either!
  • If you are suffering from stress, mental anxiety or insomnia, a free online resource is available from the good people at the Calm app.  They made a page with FREE audio meditations, body relaxation videos, sleep stories for the kids and much more.  If you have access to mental health services like in-person therapy, take advantage of that, otherwise, click this link to access the free meditation audios from Calm. https://www.calm.com/blog/take-a-deep-breath?fbclid=IwAR31_dS6yW9mtPRK_pVcVvVAyWZ9WQjN1M8R3csNZReVNxf4YdxLUgXflr4


Many in the Hospitality industry are being hit especially hard with the closure of hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, casinos, cruise ships, and strip clubs (don’t laugh, work is work!)

If you are a maid, server, bartender, cook, hostess who is unemployed, immediately contact your local government and apply for unemployment benefits, food assistance, and any other shit they offer (cause your taxes paid for it!).  The USBG Foundation is now offering emergency assistance to bartenders affected by Covid-19, so click here if you are experiencing economic hardship: https://www.usbgfoundation.org/beap

The world is going crazy right now. These are strange times, but if we take care of each other, our communities, and especially our elderly (who are particularly vulnerable to recovering from the virus) we will make it through. 

Stay strong Team Griffin.  Protect your physical health and your mental health. Ask for help if you need it. 

Then in November when it’s time to vote, we’re going to let Agent Orange know what we think about how he handled this mess. 


robin williams

Eddie Griffin Speaks On Mental Illness and the New HBO Robin Williams Documentary

Recently I witnessed an incredible must see documentary by HBO titled Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind. Every comedian that calls themselves a comedian should watch this film. We spend our lives making people laugh… but when the curtains close, and that spotlight goes dark, sometimes we just need someone to talk to where we don’t have to be “On.” 

Here’s what I straight up told Variety Magazine at the premiere:

“Being a comedian — a true comedian — you’re hypersensitive,” Griffin said. “You care enough to see sadness in people and want to bring laughter and joy to them. But is there anybody there to bring laughter and joy to the comedian?”

— Eddie Griffin

Shout out to Billy Crystal for his heartfelt realness in recalling his friendship with Robin off stage and on screen.  Bob Saget, great seeing you brotha, you’re right, Robin should still be here.

Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind” debuts July 16 on HBO.


Watch it.

robin williams

And if you are suffering from anxiety or any kind mental disorder, don’t be too proud to ask for help.  In fact, getting help is the smartest thing you can do.


 If you need support in the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-275-8255; in the UK call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 or click here; in Australia call Lifeline 13 11 14 or click here.



African Heritage Diet Pyramid

Questions remain about what the ideal food selection should look like for African Americans. We continue to contract high rates of the same shit we have been complaining about for years such as diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately if we don’t make moves, we will be adding cancer to that pile. Why? How you ask?

Easy. Lack of proper nutrition in our community. Now don’t blame yourself, these waters run deep. Back in the motherland years ago our diet was on point, it was high in vegetables and fiber and very low in meat and fat.

Then they brought us over to this muthafuka, enslaved us and started throwing us the lowest cuts of meat, and salt. We empowered ourselves by deeming this “soul food” and it became a part of our African AMERICAN culture. But since we had been moved out of our natural eating habits into habits that our bodies could not process, then came disease — and mental illness — to add insult to injury.

Don’t trip, reversing these conditions is one weekly journey to the produce section away, but we have to realize it’s a lifestyle to be adopted, not a trend or a diet. With consistency will come amazing results.

Oldways – A food and nutrition education nonprofit, created the African Heritage Diet Pyramid, a food model that promotes a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, beans, herbs, spices, and traditional sauces. This model also stresses the importance of physical activity and enjoying meals with others.

Many of the foods we consume don’t make the cut, especially all these white, sugary ass carbs we eat. We ate plantains in the motherland, not russet potatoes. Time to go back to OUR roots literally and get with it. Here are some tips and specific foods that can begin to change your life from the inside out today!

Eat Real Breakfast – do your best to stay away from processed foods. Now I know we are on a budget sometimes and this makes it difficult, but we have to get more creative than just dry cereal. Fruits, vegetables, smoothies, and whole grain bread if we must. And don’t skip this meal, you want to start regulating your metabolism and blood sugar early in the day to stay balanced.

More Fish Less Red Meat – Red meats can be consumed sparingly; however, the densely packed cholesterol and fat content in red meat contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes and strokes, all of which are prevalent among African-Americans. There are other means for finding protein. Vegetables themselves such as broccoli are very high in protein, and fish and chicken contain much less cholesterol.

Boost Flavor With Spice Versus Salt – Curries, peppers, coconut, fresh herbs, garlic, onions, fresh lemon, and all spices that are low-sodium add incredible flavor to grains, beans, vegetables, and seafood. Try a different herb every week for a touch of African heritage.

Make alkaline fruits and vegetables the star of your plate – This is huge! Lack of alkaline balance in the body can cause cancer.

Eating a balanced diet, high in alkaline foods, will change your life. Some of these foods are best prepared steamed, sautéed, roasted, grilled or raw. Enjoy alkaline vegetables like okra, cabbage, green beans, or eggplant in larger portions than the other parts of your meal. If you’re grabbing seconds, go for the vegetables! Vegetables should make up most of your plate, not protein from meat. Less ribs and more red peppers Fam. Organic is even better, it’s less processed and contains more nutrients.

Also try:
Green lettuce (not iceberg)
Brazil Nuts
Cashew Nuts

Finally, enlist your family and friends in your journey! Share your heart and passion to get and stay healthy.

There is strength and accountability in numbers. Having support and sharing meals with friends and family will help you find joy and peace in your lifestyle change. Sharing your victories and results is inspiring. You will get stronger and healthier together and be able pay your choices forward to help others get healthy as well.

Now that’s how change catches fire! Be well and stay woke Team Griffin!